Some ways in which massage might help amongst many others:
- Help to reduce pain by releasing endorphins; endorphins also elevate the mood
- Relax sore muscles, improve muscle tone and flexibility
- Relieve muscular tightness, stiffness, spasms and restrictions in muscle tissue
- Restore balance and the natural healing processes of our bodies strengthening the immune system
- Improve circulation of blood bringing more oxygen and nutrients into the muscle helping reduce fatigue
- Improve nervous function
- Help to increase joint mobility, free adhesions, breaks down scar tissue and decreases inflammation
- Relieve physical discomfort such as sciatic, tension headaches, bad digestions or constipation
- Improve your sleep and energy levels
- Maintain your physical and emotional wellbeing
- Promote body awareness, create a feeling of well-being and enhance self-esteem
- Ease emotional trauma through relaxation
- Decrease the heart rate due to relaxation
- Temporarily decrease blood pressure
- Deepen breathing and improve lung capacity by relaxing any tightness in the respiratory muscles
- Improve digestion and increase movement in the large intestine which helps to relieve constipation
- Reduce levels of the stress hormone Cortisol that can cause insomnia, lowered immunity, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, weak bones and muscles
- Reduce stress and anxiety that can cause low immunity, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, weak bones and muscles by relaxing both mind and body